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Snow and Social Media

I only have one more day left in Colorado and it has definitely been one great trip.

I had two Barnes and Noble events in Boulder and Denver over the weekend and it was so great seeing so many people that I haven't seen in years.

In Boulder, I got to see a friend from high school, Kara, who I haven't seen since she graduated back in 1998. Seeing her was so great because it brought a party of home to my tour and made me appreciate the power of social media.

If you know me, you would know that I whine a lot about social media. I find it a burden. I sometimes feel disheartened to scroll through my feed and see the negativity that often dominates.

I have a very strict rule for social media posts: only post positive things. Period. I don't quite understand why people want to engage in virtual fights with people or why they need to post their inner most thoughts and issues to the world, but hey- to each their own.

Many times I want to just delete my accounts, but for my job, it is necessary so I keep truckin.

Then, I saw my friend Kara in Boulder and was reminded why social media really can be an amazing thing. Without it, there would have been no way for her to know I was there and I wouldn't have had the excitement of seeing an old friend and reminiscing about "old times"! Man, I am old.

So today, as I sit at the Peak 7 Lodge in Breckenridge watching the snow falling, I was thinking about how sometimes it is worth dealing with things you rather wouldn't because you never know what good will come of it!

That's where my brain went today!

Life Lesson #9600 from a Total Failure

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